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Monday 23 December 2013


(PYPB / Promoting Your Personal Brand is an informative new feature on iam___ where we investigate how to promote your personal brand, both OTI and AFK.)


Hey y'all.
Just wondering if you've come across any individuals promoting the Greasy Topknot Haircut Personal Branding Solution? From what I understand, early adopters are embracing this haircut NOW in preparation for the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2014 (so expect extensive media coverage and mainstream acceptance this time next year).

"I wish I was more,
aware of fashions and trends.
Perfectly positioned,
to showcase my personal brand." - A Delicate Haiku

Let's examine this new trend, hmmm?

This Asian-bro completely gets it.
He is looking very mysterious (sort of like an ancient Samurai-bro, but fighting a war of the mind. (Education / textbooks / unrealistic career expectations / mounting debt - but also possible / probable erectile dysfunction situations, due to worries about education / textbooks / unrealistic career expectations / mounting debt.))

Will you / do you support the Greasy Topknot Haircut Personal Branding Solution?
Do you violently reject its teachings <:-O ?
Are bros embracing this new trend trying too hard to be _____?
Which of the following professions could you realistically get away with this haircut without receiving a verbal warning from frustrated middle management?
a) Student studying for a miscellaneous multimedia qualification?
b) Member of band?
c) The Twitter employee?
d) Minimum wage / Christmas Temp at an exciting fashion outlet?
e) 'Performance Artist' waiting to be discovered? (He will not be discovered.)
f) Shinobi Sega Megadrive man? 
Is this trend for men only?
Is it clean?

Today has been brought to you by FASHION but also PERSONAL BRANDING.

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